
Shoot this up your Intertubes. Look smart.

What the Funk and Wagnalls is up with all these memes being posted on Facebook? More importantly, what the FUCK is the point of a meme?? My mom, my friends, and I all know what I do, which is of course spend my days downloading prog porn (I just received my Director's Cut BluRay "Slutty Larks Tongues in Asspic") and napping in my bed of Peanut Chews wrappers. There is only 1 picture for all that and it ain't pretty.

I think it would be more valuable to post something that truly informs and educates the astute Facebookers of the world, such as they are -- thought-provoking and insightful findings of evidence-based research with meaningful outcomes and statistical significance. Not this memememe horseshit. Fortunately, I have decided to do this for you, so you can stop crying now.

Below is the result of 5 seconds of intensive research and 5 hours of trying to figure out how to make a chart in PowerPoint, and is the a first in a series of data reports that you can to share up your Intertubes. You're welcome.

n=everyone on Facebook

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It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.