
"It was today, it's died away and now it is forever gone.."

Over the years, I've been blessed with many opportunities to meet some of my favorite artists, but nothing compares with the experience of your first...In May 1988, Davy Jones made an appearance at the Cherry Hill Mall, and this 10 year old starstruck nerd with a VERY BAD perm somehow managed to have him sign a copy of More of the Monkees which was handed down to me by my mother and easily one of the albums that truly changed my life. This album made me want to listen to more albums by The Monkees and other bands; it spurred my music appetite which I still enjoy trying to satisfy to this day.

Davy Jones appearance or mullet convention?

Davy Jones had an amazing voice that just smacked with honesty and made you really believe in a love song. He was funny as fuck and appeared to never take himself too seriously. All in all, he always put stars in my eyes.

Thank you Davy for letting me always sing along with you....you always have and always will be part of the soundtrack of my life.


"Early Morning Blues & Greens"
by Diane Hilderbrand & Jack Keller

A distant nightbird mocks the sun,
I wake as I have always done,
To freshly-scented sycamore,
And cold, bare feet on hardwood floor.
My steaming coffee warms my face,
I'm disappointed in the taste,
But, there's a peace the early brings
The morning world of growing things.

I feel the moments hurry on,
It was today, it's died away,
And now it is forever gone.
And I will drink my coffee slow,
And I will watch my shadow grow,
And disappear in firelight,
And sleep alone again tonight. 

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It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.