
I hope you're sitting down because you're about to throw up

Here it is. The blog you've all been waiting for. You knew this was coming, right? (You ARE all prophets from the Fertile Crescent aka the South & Middle Western portion of the United States, right?)

Well whether you are predicting my next blog while fundamentally breeding yet another 4-H member or not, you should have seen this coming anyway. I mean, it's just so obvious! This blog's thrown back 3 cosmos, has undone 2 more buttons, and has thrown itself all over you. And you are just drunk enough right now to know you want it.

So let's get right to it, shall we? THE blog. You know, THAT one. The one that has fallen out of the sky, landed on your face, and now is screaming frantically because it has landed on your face in a compromising position right in front of your nose.

So here it is. (Drum roll please...........)

.....uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....what was I talking about? You would know, right? I hope?

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It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.