Happy New Years, everyone! Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted here at all since 2013, but it's understandable since I'm pretty sure 2014 didn't really happen thanks to an elaborate prank pulled on me by Netflix.
However, 2015 is a REAL YEAR full of REALLY REAL REALNESS. Really.
So let's get real for a moment: I am really going to put words on this blog more often in 2015 than in the alleged "2014." For reals. And when I say "for reals" it means it WILL HAPPEN, unlike my New Year's Resolution to loose the 400 pounds of clotted lard I have put on my neck and knees over the past few months.
Thank you to all 4 of my readers who have stuck by me so far, and for the 1-2 more who perhaps have come on board now. If you haven't done so already, I highly recommend you read through some of the archives to begin building up your tolerance.
Reading this blog will make hair grow on the body parts you want it to, and fall out of the parts you don't. People in every check out lane will insist you go to the front of the line. Butterflies will flutter gently on your arms. It will prevent sharts.
Not really.