
Come play with me at STABFEST. If you can.

So NEARfest is in 3 weeks and I'm so ready to rock out all weekend with my sexy friends, some dirty prog, and a whole lotta black t-shirts drinking beer. Heaven. But as much as I am excited to be nodding my head methodically in 9/8 for 2 days, I'm kinda sad there are no more festivals for me to look forward to this year that I can afford to go to. So I'm thinking about hosting one myself: STABFEST 2010 (not to be confused with STABFEST 2006).

STABFEST will be a rock festival like none other, in that it will most likely only happen in my mind. But regardless, I would only have the BEST bands play and the BEST audience to love them. And they would be the BEST because they would follow the Sacred Rules of Concerts That I Am Making Up Right Now. 

Shall we?

For bands...

Rule #1: If you MUST play intro music, it should not exceed the length of a song you could have played in your set.

Rule #2: The only time playing an electric rockin' song acoustically or a-cappella is acceptable is if your electric instruments have been eaten by a dragon. 

Rule #3: If you MUST extend a song with an instrumental "jam" that is >60% drum machine, it should not exceed the length of another song you could have played in your set.

Rule #4: Medleys are soft. Just don't even think about it. 

Rule #5: If you MUST talk or tell stories between songs, your ramblings should not exceed the length of another song you could have played in your set.

Rule #6: Playing an exclusively acoustic set without warning will not be tolerated as it can only result in taunting and sadness. 

Rule #7: Just because you do not have an interesting part and/or much to play during a particular song does not give you license to start an audience handclap during every chorus. In general, it is recommended that handclaps and turning the mic over to the audience should be kept to a minimum. 

Rule #8: Talking to an audience member during your set is absolutely FORBIDDEN. You will be shot. 

Rule #9: 

Now if you want to attend STABFEST, you will have to abide by a few rules as well...

Rule #1: Unprompted and excessive bragging about how you saw the band back in '73 is unacceptable. Mentioning how you're really not into their new stuff but came anyway (mainly to brag about your supposed pre-sellout fan-ness) will result in a nutpunch.

Rule #2: Be prepared to embrace the hellfire if there is any shouting out of ANY song title--whether it is one by the band onstage or not. (Please note: you WILL be shot if you shout "Freebird." In the face.)

Rule #3: Do not, under any circumstances, bring a disinterested partner, spouse, or friend to the show as it does in fact suck ALL of the energy out of the room, and PAs have been known to weep.

Rule #4: Talking during the songs as if you were in chain sports bar watching the Yankees, drinking a Mike's Hard Lemonade, and listening to Journey on the jukebox will not be tolerated under any circumstances. High-fives will result in a boot-kick to the kidneys.

Rule #5: For goodness sake if you try to engage the band in conversation while they are onstage you should kick your own ass out. Seriously.

Rule #6: Dancing during a rock song makes you look like a chode. You will be taunted, then taunted a second time.

Rule #7: You're not sitting in the first 3 rows? Put the fucking camera down.

Right. So there you go...sounds like a great time, right? Bands interested in playing and those of you interested in attending STABFEST are the best in the world. And you should drop me a line. In the meantime, I have to find a venue that meets my 428-point criteria. At least I know it will take place in Hawaii for a week.

Rock on, baby. xo


Do's and Don't Nots: Eating stuff

Here's some advice. 

DON'T eat foods that put a scary Sasquatch Grendel--that although is well-groomed--who wants to chew your face off on the packaging. If you do, you will shit a rusty 1979 Ford F-150 and be forced to live in Canada.

DO eat foods that put googly goo-goo eyes on the packaging! If you do, you will find more joy in life and friends will use words like "zany" and "krazy" to describe you. You will also be able to defeat a Sasquatch Grendel with your dulcet tones of magical laughter.



This past weekend I visited a giant cemetery in Pennsylvania to let 10 gorgeous rock bands melt my brain. In between I drank buckets of beer, sipped barrels of coffee, and totally got down with my nerd-self collecting a giant pile of prog CDs. Happy times!

And I did it all at RoSfest, an annual progrock festival currently in it's 7th year (my 4th). I look forward to going every year now...there aren't too many times when I can have epic dissertations on what went wrong with GTR and incite "In the Court of the Crimson King" versus "Discipline" arguments.

Here is a rundown of the bands from this year you need to check out IMMEDIATELY! I mean, IMMEDIATELY after you read this and forward it to all your Facebook friends who play Farmville. (That'll teach 'em).

Friday Night/Fresh Liver Night


Montreal-based prog band that sounds like Iron Maiden swallowed Journey. Throw on stone-washed jeans and play 'em LOUD! Their set was a bombastic good time. Benoit has one of the most amazingly awesome voices in rock.



Oh Pendragon, the patriarchs of neoprog. Saw them at my first RoSfest in 2007 and think they sounded even better this time around, mostly because I think they are touring with a better album. Also, they have a drummer who, I'm pretty sure, would bleed Red Bull and sunshine if you cut him open.

Saturday/Where's the Closest Bar? Day

Wasn't really familiar with this group before the show but they had a great set with a good groove. Well enough groove for a prog band. Since they played at 11:00am and I had only gotten about 10 seconds sleep the night before I don't really remember more than that the show wasn't awful. I suck. But these guys don't.

This band was a fun surprise! Great sound. Did some Celtic prog and some nautical prog. Good times.

OK, going to spend some time here...so I discovered this band back in 2006 and have been pleading to the powers of RoSfest ever since to get them to play. Well finally this year my dream came true. In fact, the powers of RoSfest, George and Buster, came all the way to my house after midnight during my birthday party last year to tell me in person the day before it was officially announced. I thought I was dreaming. Partly because I didn't dare to believe it could be possible, but mostly because I was completely full of gin and tonic by the time they arrived. George and others in the RoSfest camp casually said I'd be announcing the band and I thought that would be cool, even though the thought of speaking in front of all those people made me want to wet my pantaloons. When the moment arrived though, George made the RIGHT decision to ask a HOT BLONDE at RoSfest to announce the band, and not the NERD BLONDE.

So hot blonde and then Gazpacho take the stage. Doesn't get any better than that, my friends. It was a beautiful set -- I can't put into words the PURE JOY I felt singing along to 2 hours of live Gazpacho. I am so blessed to have experienced that....thank you RoSfest!

Watching Renaissance was like watching the movie Avatar -- I did it because I felt like I "had to." Not a big fan of this band, but Annie Haslam is like the matriarch of prog and this band is so revered in the prog world I couldn't turn away. It wasn't a BAD show but probably the set I enjoyed the least overall. It did warm my nerdy heart to see the sheer reverence exuded in the eyes of every man over the age of 50 there when Haslam took the stage...seriously, this woman has the voice of a Siren...

Sunday/Time to Rally/I Swear I'm Never Drinking Again Day

A lot of buzz around this band before the 'fest and they did not disappoint. The singer had a sore throat/tonsillitis which was a real shame, but really didn't affect the performance. Seriously think this band is the best kept secret in prog and really rock in general. They are gonna BLOW UP, people! If you like Porcupine Tree, you will like this band. And if you don't like Porcupine Tree, you will also like this band because everything you hate about PT (ahem, Dave and others...!) they are definitely NOT. So everybody wins. Hooray!

Oblivion Sun
Been interested in seeing these guys live for awhile now...hear about them a lot since they are from the area but never actually made it to a show. Totally worth the wait --- RoSfest needs more primarily instrumental/instrumental-only bands like this! These guys are just unbelievable musicians. 

Von Hertzen Brothers
Tall. Finnish. Stylish. Oh and they blew the fucking roof off the Majestic Theater. Holy shit, I haven't seen my ears since. I've said this before, and I'll say this again -- it's like Moon Safari and Black Bonzo in King's of Leon's body. Incredible.

Magic Pie
This band OWNS RoSfest. They pretty much have every fanboy and fangirl wrapped around their finger. And they should because they are unbelievably good. Think about every sound you've ever heard in the world that made you happy, throw it into a pot, and slowly melt it over an open flame on a crisp fall evening. THAT is Magic Pie. Delicious.

I'm pretty sure they were about to play this song (one of my FAAAAVES) when they were told to get off the stage by the union workers who clearly listen to only country music and rap.

For a behind the scenes look, here are some pictures.

More pictures can be found on Facebook if you are unfortunate enough to catch the tagged ones of me before I untag them.

So there you have it. The bestest weekend this nerd could ever ask for. Hope you'll join me next year. xo

It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.