
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Not just a clever name...

Earlier this week I learned that Genesis will be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  Usually when I hear any news about Genesis it's a BIG FUCKING DEAL. But when I heard this news, I just said to myself, "oh, big fucking deal."

Genesis deserves everything wonderful because they are the greatest band that I listen to. But unfortunately, RRHOF (said as raaaawwfff as in the sound you make when you are vomiting your spine) is not wonderful. I've always thought the RRHOF was a flaming pile of unicorn shit, and this was confirmed on a recent visit to the museum in '07 when I was in Cleveland* for, yes you guessed it, a Genesis concert. Based on the excruciating 20 minutes it took me to walk through this clogged toilet of so-called musical achievement, it appears that only artists who meet one or more of the following criteria are inducted:

1) Only 3 people (including mom) in the world have the ONLY album or single you ever released
2) You were a part of an obscure blues band that existed for approximately 13 minutes
3) Your music keeps classic rock and oldies radio alive
4) You had homoerotic costuming

So I'm a bit confused as to why Genesis will become a part of this dog and pony show. It's not that I'm against Genesis -- or any band for that matter -- getting recognized and honored for their innovation/contribution to music (Christ on a cracker, they should've been exalted years ago for Vari*lite alone! HELLLOOOO!) but the RRHOF operation is, in my opinion, an inconsistent, mysterious pat on the back that usually leaves me asking "so what?"

And "getting in" now feels like a total afterthought or like everyday in school when I was picked last for gym class. Oh let's see, we've already got ZZ Top and Bob Seger...guess we can let in Genesis now, I mean, they've only been making awesome rock music for about 3x as long as 90% of the already inducted artists.

But with that being said, my sincere congratulations to Genesis -- may it spawn the stuff I think we all care more about: live show(s) and MORE MUSIC. (And perhaps 1 more person in this world will buy a Tony Banks album).

But all this sincerity crap aside, this really burns my ass! I'm all fired up like Gabriel in this angry, ANGRY Genesis performance. I would hate to be his microphone!

*Please note that Chris and these Cleveland fans are in The Lady Stabson's Hall of Fame for being so amazing cool and lovely:

It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.