
Finally, a way to cover my feet AND remember my name!

Today is the first day of wearing the coolest fucking shoes EVER. Cool as fuck cos I designed them myself (obviously) and stole the idea to do so from someone MUCH cooler than me (obviously). His name is Jim and he plays guitar in Tinyfish who are totally HOT. But anyway, look at me awesome ogre feets!! 
Sorry if you happen to glance at my leperous ankles; I think the blade on
the potato peeler I use to shave my legs is getting dull.

I'm still trying to figure out how to do the laces the double-tongue action going on here, and this is what I came up with after lovingly throwing the shoes across the room about 5 times.

I love, Love, LOVE them, but they are definitely not as cool as my "Box of Glass" designer shoes by Christian Renoir:

Go here to make your own Lady Stabson shoes in your very own size and name! http://www.converse.com/#/landing/create


  1. Awww... shucks! I got a name-check in your blog! Ta love! J xxx

  2. Okay, your shoes are too sexy for words. Now it's MY turn to Tinyfish-ize my Chucks!


It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.