
Send me your beard!

Long-time blog reader, best-friend, and solid 80's music fan Nicole has graciously shared a fantastic beard with us. I'm talking about none other than Kenny Loggins, who she says -- and I quote because I am going to use quotation marks, "light[s] up my Ipod screen like a lightning bug in a blackout." So true, so very true. Loggins's beard has graced us with some of the most powerful adult contemporary pop this world has ever seen,which in turn has contributed to some of the best movie montages in history: Top Gun, Caddyshack, Footloose to name a few I can remember at the moment. So here is a montage tribute to the best damn beardage on your 80s playlist:

Who wouldn't want to get all footloose up in that yo!


  1. LOL!!! That one "Kenny Loggins Alive", HAHAHA!!! That's AWESOME!!

  2. HA! That is my favorite. But you have to say it like, Kenny Loggins,,,,,,,,,,,,,Al-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvve!! YEAH!

    Loggins is the shit. (no pun intended).

  3. I love him like a fat kid loves cake-not so anonymous FOB, Nicole
    (Friend of Blogger)


It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.