
Hey it's Atlantic City! Don't forget your towel!

Recently, I traveled to Atlantic City, NJ and if someone could tell me why I'd really appreciate it. For those who are not familiar with this magical land of broken dreams and fragrant piss stains, Atlantic City is a casino town on the New Jersey shoreline. It's Las Vegas's ugly step-child with stretch marks and both kinds of crabs.

It was a beautiful day to wonder if you could get hepatitis from breathing. We had a great spot near the water and the really cool beach bar that totally rocked a mid-90's frat-boy party playlist for all to enjoy. We immediately dove into the ocean, or rather, the shallow, hot, chum-filled salt slop found in most fishing boats. Afterward we soaked up the sun rays, hoping to burn off the bubonic plague festering in our bathing suits.

But the fun didn't end there. After changing out of our beach gear and burning it in the hollowed out belly of a crack whore mermaid that washed up onshore (I *told* you this was a magical land) we decided it would be a good time to eat. Dinner was relaxing and our waiter was absolutely charming in a real asshole kind of way. For example, when we were done eating he asked if he could take our plates and I said, "you are welcome to them!" And then he said, "no thanks you probably have herpes." Wow, he totally knew I was on the beach earlier!

Now it was time to give the casino our money. 48 seconds later it was time to go home.

Driving home I was sad to leave this special town. So many memories...but I have a feeling I will be back someday soon: it's really my kind of place.

Hope everyone is livin' it up and gettin' down this summer! xo


  1. Wow! For a minute I thought I was on the Travelchannel.com. This is wonderful!

  2. I used to have a thick head of hair. I don't consider it a coincidence that I've lost about 35% of my hair only AFTER having swum in the ocean a couple of times at Atlantic City.

    As the Vice President of the Eleven Eleven Club (yes, you may Google it), I have to disagree with how you chose to experience "America's Favorite Playground". Too much beach, not enough dollar-tip Bloody Marys at the roulette table.

    Where'd ya eat? After trying about 18 different places to eat in Atlantic City, we've got a few favorite spots. The Royal Noodle House at Showboat. Pickles at Bally's. Angeloni's II, over on Arctic. And, if you've won a bunch of cash playing roulette, there is Chef Vola's down on Albion Place.

  3. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. We thought it would be a good place to pick up a few hookers.

    Believe me, next time we're lured down there it will be more about the drinks and tables and more drinks.

  4. -- oh, and... more drinks. All for a dollar tip!

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It's all a little bit mostly true sometimes but not really.